“We add capacity and stability during moments of significant change — for you, your staff and your Board.”

“…every goal achieved is a planned success—

a result of intentional pro-active transition from your current state to your future state.”

Founder and CEO Deborah Collins is a respected leader in the nonprofit sector.

Deborah’s experiences, spanning more than twenty years, are harnessed into invaluable insights that engage and support nonprofit leaders and Boards towards positive change.

Launching two businesses in her twenties and successfully building them through 100% referrals, Deborah positioned her clients for success by adding capacity to expand their reach and deepen their impact.

After recalibrating her own journey to fully engage in the nonprofit sector, Deborah joined the project team that opened Tate Modern in London and then transitioned to the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Deborah subsequently served in leadership roles within high-visibility global institutions such as Ford Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Michael J. Fox Foundation, and Vital Strategies.

These experiences and continual professional development shape Deborah’s approach around organizational design and team recalibration. Today, Deborah blends the theory and practice of strategic organizational design to actively drive change. At core, Deborah’s approach is driven from the perspective that every goal achieved is a planned success—a result of an intentional and pro-active transition from current state to future state.